What is Sum Insured in Motor Insurance

Your car is likely one of your most valuable assets, so protecting it with the right insurance is crucial. However, navigating the different types of coverage and terms can be confusing. One key term you need to grasp to secure the best insurance policy is the sum insured. This article will provide a detailed explanation of the sum insured, what factors influence it, why it’s important, and how to choose the right amount.

Understanding the Sum Insured

Sum insured in motor vehicle insurance is the maximum amount your insurance company will pay if your car is damaged or stolen. Think of it as the financial limit of your policy. If something bad happens to your car, this is the amount you can claim to repair or replace it. It’s important to choose the right sum insured to ensure you have enough coverage without overpaying for your policy.

Key Factors Influencing the Sum Insured

Several factors influence the calculation of the sum insured for your vehicle:

  • Vehicle Value:
    The current market value of your car. Newer and more expensive cars generally have a higher sum insured.
  • Age of the Vehicle: 
    Older cars typically have a lower sum insured due to depreciation.
  • Make and Model:
    Luxury or high-end models usually have a higher sum insured compared to standard models.
  • Add-Ons and Accessories:
    Any extra features or modifications you’ve added to your car can increase the sum insured.
  • Geographical Location: 
    Where you live and park your car. Areas with higher theft or accident rates may require a higher sum insured.
  • Usage of the Vehicle:
    How frequently and for what purposes you use your car. More frequent use might result in a higher sum insured.
  • Condition of the Vehicle:
    A well-maintained car might have a higher sum insured compared to a poorly maintained one.

    The Importance of Choosing the Right Sum Insured

    Choosing the right sum insured is crucial because it directly affects your insurance payout. Here’s why it’s important:

    • Under insured:
      If you set the sum insured too low, your insurance won’t cover the full cost of repairs or replacement if something happens to your car. For example, if your car is worth RM50,000 but you only insure it for RM30,000, you’ll have to pay the extra RM20,000 yourself in case of a total loss. This can be a big financial burden.
    • Over insured:
      If you set the sum insured too high, you’ll end up paying higher premiums than necessary. Imagine your car is worth RM50,000 but you insure it for RM70,000. You’ll be paying more for insurance without any added benefit because the insurer will only pay up to the market value of the car, which is RM50,000. This means you’re wasting money on extra premiums.

    Strategies for Selecting the Appropriate Sum Insured: Market Value vs. Agreed Value

    When selecting the appropriate sum insured for your vehicle, you have two main options to consider: market value and agreed value.

    • Market Value:
      This method determines your sum insured based on your car’s current market worth. Factors such as your vehicle’s make, model, year of manufacture, condition, and mileage are taken into account. Opting for market value ensures you have adequate coverage without paying excessive premiums. However, in the event of a claim, your payout will reflect the depreciated value of your car, which might not be sufficient to replace it with a new vehicle.
    • Agreed Value:
      Alternatively, you can agree on a fixed insured amount with your insurer when purchasing your policy. This agreed value remains unchanged throughout the policy term, providing you with certainty that you will receive this specific amount if your vehicle is stolen or damaged beyond repair. Agreed value is particularly advantageous for classic cars or vehicles with substantial modifications, where the actual market value may not accurately reflect the true worth. Keep in mind, though, that premiums for policies with agreed value tend to be higher.

    It’s essential to periodically review and adjust your sum insured to keep pace with changes in your vehicle’s value due to factors like depreciation, upgrades, or alterations. This ensures your insurance coverage aligns with the current market conditions and adequately protects your asset. By understanding the differences between market value and agreed value and considering your vehicle’s unique circumstances, you can make an informed decision on the right sum insured that suits your needs and budget.

    Minimum Sum Insured in Malaysia

    In Malaysia, there isn’t a fixed minimum sum insured for vehicles as it varies based on the factors mentioned earlier. However, it’s essential to ensure that your vehicle is insured for an amount that reflects its market value to avoid the pitfalls of underinsurance. Underinsuring your vehicle can lead to significant out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a claim


    Understanding the sum insured and how it affects your motor insurance policy is crucial for ensuring that you have adequate protection for your vehicle. By considering factors such as vehicle value, age, make and model, and additional features, you can choose a sum insured that offers the right balance of coverage and premium cost. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your sum insured helps keep your policy in line with your vehicle’s current market value, providing you with peace of mind on the road.

    When deciding between sum insured and agreed value, weigh the benefits and costs of each option to determine which best suits your needs. Remember, the goal is to have coverage that protects your valuable asset without unnecessary financial strain.

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